welcome to timing garden
FAHR SINDRAMS Portfolio - Newspage!
Auf los, gehts los. Ab ins Jahr
Ich freue mich schon auf die Events der nächsten Monate!
TO ALL THE ENGLISH HERE: The english site is back! Bollocks with german! I will work mostly outside germany in the near future! I did a world-signing-tour and stuff, work hard in other countries! Forget german, the english site will be back,as soon as I can translate it! --- BUT, my english SUCKS! Can ya deal with it?!
news/neues Latest Updates - Letzte Updates---- Archive 2011
October 2013 - Frankfurter Buchmesse!

• I'm signing at the Butter & Cream Booth in Frankfurt!.
Omg again it's time for the bookfair. I can't wait to meet you guys or see you again. It's been ages, well A YEAR since the last FBM and I really, truly missed it. So let's get ready and visit me, I am waiting for you!
March 2013 - Leipziger Buchmesse!

• Loki, Lolitas and Llamas.
We rocked the LBM again, after the publisher had no booth in 2012. LBM is always like a game on your own homeground, so it's very special for me. This time I've went dressed as Loki and it was fun to see how many people actually kneeled.
October 2012 - Loki and the FBM!

• The Leipzig Bookfair was fun as usual!
Frankfurt my old friend!! What fun we had. I showed off my Loki cosplay and met many many people. I still can't believe I have such a big fanbase now. It's so much fun. Plus Frankfurt is always a big meet and greet with other artits and publishers. Very cool bookfair indeed. Had a smoke with Harrie and chilled with the WETAs
October 2010 - Frankfurter Buchmesse

•Pouka & Spooks was a hit at last years Bookfair in Frankfurt!
Frankfurt - what can I say? Every year so many new faces, old friends, great moments. I won't miss it for all the Oreo-Cookies in the world. It was six days hard labor but it was worth the sleepless nights and all the pain. Pouka & Spooks had its late premiere and I had the chance to meet the readers and draw and sign. It was magic. They really welcomed the book. Your rock, Guys!!!!
Link free to my Portfolio: http://fahrlight.free.fr
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